
Choose a package which suits you best

Basic Package


$ 50.00

  1. Data Purchase

  2. International Investor Info

  3. Investor Coordination

  4. PowerPoint presentation support

  5. MasterCard (Dual Currency card)

Master Package.


$ 100.00

  1. Data Purchase

  2. International Investor Info

  3. Investor Coordination

  4. PowerPoint presentation support

  5. MasterCard Dual Currency support (20$ will deducted from wallet and 80$ will be in your wallet)

  6. International Trade Support

Professional Package.


$ 1000.00

  1. Data Purchase

  2. International Investor Info

  3. Investor Coordination

  4. PowerPoint presentation support

  5. MasterCard Dual Currency support (50$ will be deducted from wallet for subscription fee and 950$ will be in your wallet) 

NOTE: You can withdraw any amount any time.

  1. Personal Investment Training

  2. International Trade Support

  3. Professional Mail support

  4. Provide IT Training

  5. Investment return in 3 years 2500$ (Terms Apply)

$ 0